Trauma and abuse in childhood linked to hormonal imbalances later in life.
If you lived through trauma and/or abuse in childhood - I am going to explain how this can be the root cause of the hormonal imbalances that you are experiencing now - and how to heal these hormonal imbalances
Trauma/abuse in childhood can be violence from a caregiver, sexual abuse/sexual assault, homelessness, poverty, loss of a parent or close family member, or emotional abuse/bullying from your caregivers or peers, or things like a traumatic car accident or home invasion.
Imagine a young girl who is living with prolonged violence in her home from a caregiver. Going through these constant daily, or weekly traumas. Part of the stress is not knowing when and how it will happen next. There is no safety or respite in her life.
What has happened with this young girl's hormones is that her adrenal glands (the body's stress hub) are releasing adrenaline and cortisol to cope, and as a response to these constant stressors.
The hormones get to a point where there has been a cumulative exposure to trauma - and the glands are essentially 'programmed' to predict violence and trauma (think: Pavlov's dogs) This girl is living in what is known as a "fight or flight" mode with regards to her hormones, and all her body systems.
When your body is in fight or flight mode - your other body systems shut-down. Your thyroid becomes downregulated, your metabolism and immunity will not work to its full potential.
(It is very common for young boys and girls who experience abuse - especially sexual abuse - to gain weight because of how the stress damages their thyroid, adrenals and gut.)
This young girl has now become acclimated to the chaos - not knowing that the adrenaline highs and lows are not meant to be a normal part of a healthy childhood.
What can happen to a young child who has lived through these experiences is that he/she essentially becomes "addicted" to these stress hormones - he/she may grow into the type of teenager and adult who is predisposed to addictions.
Alcohol and drug addictions, work addictions, perfectionism addiction, food addictions, and anything that can mimic the highs and lows of the adrenaline spikes and dumps that were happening to their body through childhood.
The gut microbiome in people who have lived through childhood abuse is actually different to people who have had a safe and secure upbringing. I know that every human lives through trauma in their life - but those who have experienced a safe and secure upbringing can cope with trauma and stress in a much more functional way than those who have not.
What I see when this type of person gets to adulthood - is that they are more likely than the average person to have hormonal imbalances, and the chronic health conditions that are associated with having high levels of stress hormones.
Of course, this group of people are also more likely to be prescribed hormonal birth control, and/or anti-depressant medication - and therefore be dealing with the associated side effects of these medications, also.
Having high levels of adrenaline and cortisol throughout your life - coupled with "weak" and fatigued adrenal glands - will mean that your other primary hormones (such as progesterone, thyroid hormones, and testosterone) become depleted. This also leads to an "estrogen dominant" state - and this, in turn, creates more stress on your already stressed out body.
It is a vicious cycle that I see all too often.
The symptoms associated with high stress hormones, estrogen dominance, and the depletion of other important hormones in Women are: weight gain, not being able to sleep, PTSD, having anxiety and/or depression, painful/heavy periods, endometriosis, racing heart, bladder instability, acne, teeth grinding, panic attacks, migraines, fibroids, PCOS, PMDD, and can lead to things like fibromyalgia and breast cancer.
And the symptoms in Men are: weight gain, low mood, insomnia, PTSD, breast tissue forming, low testosterone, low libido, acne, gout, early baldness, racing heart, anxiety, depression and other mental health concerns.
When a woman with high stress hormones hits the age where she is headed into perimenopause/menopause - these stress hormones and damaged body systems cause worsened symptoms than in those who have not lived through childhood abuse and trauma. These women are more likely to suffer hot flashes, low libido, weight gain, insomnia, anxiety and depression than their counterparts who had a safe and secure childhood.
This is why - if you have lived through any of the experiences that I listed above as a child - the most important thing you can do for your health and hormones is to lessen your stress, and strengthen your body's resilience.
This CAN be done, I promise you.
You are not broken, and none of this is your fault.
I am not writing any of this to make you worried - but only to highlight the importance of your healing and recovering from these stressors - to allow you to have a healthier body going forward.
What to do if any of this rings true for you? Here is the list that will help you sleep better, regain your adrenal function, lower your stress hormones, and help to heal your body-systems:
Bioidentical Progesterone to "tame" the high Adrenaline and Estrogen, and to replace this depleted primary hormone that lends itself to stress hormones. Available at
Magnesium is a must. Stressed people become deficient in magnesium, and this affects your sleep, metabolism and ability to recover. I recommend topical and oral magnesium. Go Healthy orally, and Ritual Topical Magnesium available at
Full Spectrum Oil to support your body's endocannabinoid system. Stress depletes the endocannabinoid system, which results in anxiety, depression, sleep issues and weight gain. Nourishing and supporting your endocannabinoid system with an "exocannabinoid" is essential: Available at
A daily walk on the flat (no running, HIIT or crossfit)
Lifting weights gently, stretching, yoga, Pilates, swimming are all suitable exercises for those with high stress hormones
Vitamins A,B,C,D, and Zinc. I like the Be Pure range for B,C and D: and Saturee for Liver and Oyster caps (A and zinc)
Adrenal Cocktail (Be Pure vitamin C, cream of tartar, seasalt, and orange juice/coconut water, or water)
No alcohol
Get off your hormonal birth control, and synthetic HRT
Daily carrot Salad to help support the detox of estrogen and support gut health
Pro-metabolic eating, focus on consuming only nutrient-dense foods, grass-fed bone broth daily
In bed by 10pm every night
Read a book before bed, don't look at your phone, have low-light and low temp in your room
Meditation, mindfulness or hypnotherapy
Stop people-pleasing, and saying yes to things that cause you stress
Get more organised, going to bed earlier can help your mornings to be less chaotic - stress-free mornings are possible!
No PUFA inflammatory seed and vegetable oils
Thyroid support such as a dessicated beef thyroid supplement like the one from Forefront health
Stop watching and reading the news - it only focuses on negative things, and this will suck you into its drama
Figure out where you are contributing to your own high stress levels. Where are you addicted to stress in your life?
The most important thing is to realise that you can feel better, you can support your body systems to feel great, and you can heal from your trauma!
No matter how broken, or sick you may feel - there is hope and safety in your future.
You don't have to do any of those alone, I can help support you on this process - please fill out my Health Form here, and I will be in touch with how I can help support you through this journey: