You might not know that over the past 10 years I've lost 80% of my hair.
For the past 4 years, I've been wearing hair extensions, but decided to take them out a few months ago to focus on rebuilding my hair naturally.
The main things I've done over the past few years to get my hair to grow back is to balance my hormones, lower stress, rebuild my gut, liver and metabolism after years chronic under-eating.
Onas Progesterone, and my Full Spectrum Oil have been great for these things, alongside many lifestyle changes.
I make my own scalp massage oil that is working really well!
1/2 teaspoon Coffee
1 teaspoon liquid MCT Coconut Oil
6 drops Full Spectrum CBD Oil
Crush the coffee, and mix in the coconut and CBD. It becomes like a paste. Massage into your scalp for 1 minute. Leave for 30mins before washing out.
It's a bit messy - but it does work!!
My hair is looking the best it's looked in years, and it's nice to go out without my hair extensions
Full Spectrum Oil available at
Onas Progesterone available at