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Writer's pictureSarah Walsh

Girls/Women 13-40 yrs old present to their GP with any type of Hormonal issue

Girls/Women 13-40 yrs old present to their GP with any type of Hormonal issue:

GP prescribes synthetic Hormonal Birth Control.

 Women 40yrs+ present to their GP with any type of Hormonal issue:

GP prescribes synthetic Hormone Replacement Therapy.

This is true for probably 98% of cases.

It shouldn't be like this!

These synthetic hormones hijack hormone communication, & simply mask the symptoms - plus they tend to always lead to WORSE health outcomes for many years after coming off them.

Synthetic hormones should not be the only option available when a patient comes in with Endometriosis, PCOS, Painful periods, Acne, PMDD, Menopausal symptoms etc.

Not only should they not be the only option - they shouldn't even be an option whatsoever. They are very harmful in the long term.

Most young girls with Endo/PCOS/Acne/PMDD who are put on Hormonal Birth Control end up with weight gain, nutritional deficiencies, anxiety, depression and sleep issues. Plus, then they finally come off the Birth Control Hormones, and their entire endocrine system is a mess.

Most 40+ women who are put on synthetic HRT tend to see slight improvements in the short term, however, over time, these synthetic hormones tend to make their menopausal experience a lot harder, and tend to exacerbate underlying issues (as in high-Estrogen leading to breast cancer)

 What, then, is the answer?

The answer lies in natural lifestyle and nutritional therapy strategies that quite often require huge lifestyle changes.

  • A focus on gut health

  • A focus on lowering stress

  • A focus on sleep

  • A focus on detox pathways

  • A focus on correct nutrition

  • A focus on lowering inflammation

  • Cutting alcohol, PUFA, synthetic fragrances and body Care products

  • Daily fresh air, lifting weights, walking, stretching, meditation

This is all the stuff that your GP does not have time to explain to you how to do in their 15min appointment.

MUM'S of young girls who have Endo or painful periods - before going to the GP (where she will undoubtedly be put on Birth control) you can book a free chat with me here to discuss natural alternatives.

If any of this resonates with you, please do click the above link to book a free 20min chat with me

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