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Writer's pictureSarah Walsh

Anxiety and The Endocannabinoid System

Anxiety & The Endocannabinoid System:

One of the most common issues I get asked about with regards to Full Spectrum Oil is Anxiety. It is estimated that 31% of adults have had anxiety of some form over the last year.

Your body has a biological system called the Endocannabinoid System (ECS)

which comprises of cannabinoid receptors, enzymes and endocannabinoids (cannabinoids that your body makes).

The ECS is responsible for regulating many processes in the body and brain - including immune response, communication between cells, appetite & metabolism, memory, pain, inflammation, stress & fear response.

Cannabinoids in Full Spectrum Oil

bind to cannabinoid receptors in the brain, and internal stomach lining - which is linked to the brain via the vagus nerve, producing a calm and relaxing state in the body.

Research has shown that Full Spectrum Oil interacts with CB1R (the serotonin receptor in your brain) by inhibiting limbic and nervous system triggers and patterns.

Full Spectrum Oil interacts with other receptors in the brain that regulate fear, depression or anxiety induced behaviours (such as OCD behaviours)

Clinical studies have shown that Full Spectrum Oil can have a positive effect on:

- Generalised Anxiety Disorders (GAD)

- Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD)

- Complex Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (CPTSD)

- Panic Disorders (PD)

- Social Anxiety Disorder (SAD)

A 2020 clinical study in New Zealand on 400 adults of regular Full Spectrum Oil

usage - 70% of users noted an improvement in symptoms and in their overall health.

+After 2 months that percentage had gone up to 80% of users noting improvements (which is why I always recommend to take it long term before deciding if it is right for you)

Full Spectrum Oil is also "devoid of abuse potential" meaning it is non-addictive, unlike other anti-anxiety medications.

Hormone Health Nutritionist Tips for those with Anxiety:

Full Spectrum Oil taken orally or via your food daily

This needs to be taken daily over a period of time at the correct dosage for you. See dosage Guides here

Heal your Gut (your second brain)

Cut down on gluten and sugar. Both are linked to gut lining damage and send the vagus nerve into fight or flight mode.

Add Probiotics, Kombucha, & sauerkraut to your daily routine - what I call to my clients "good mood food" Make sure your kombucha & Sauerkraut have no added sugar - as this negate the positive benefits. Low carb meal plans are always good for those who have anxiety. Low Carb eating plans will heal your hormones and your gut lining. I coach my clients to get into ketosis for this very reason.

Cut down on Alcohol

If you have anxiety and drink alcohol - I strongly recommend going 60 days alcohol free and you will see a lot of your symptoms improve. Alcohol is a depressant and may make you feel better for the short term, but long term it will always make your anxiety worse. All the good food and CBD Oil in the world won't help if you are still consuming alcohol regularly.

Cut down on caffeine (coffee, tea and green tea)

Caffeine sets off a response in the nervous system & limbic system. It basically puts the body into "fight or flight mode" - which is OK if you are about to fight off an bear or run up the firebreaks - BUT if you drink coffee and then sit for hours in your office, it will leave you feeling anxious.

Improve your Sleep/Wake cycle

Going to bed at the same time and waking at the same time every day has been shown to be very beneficial to support the nervous system & limbic System.

Get enough Potassium

Potassium deficiency has been shown in studies to correlate to mood disorders like anxiety and depression. Our soils are so depleted and nobody talks about it! If you want to get enough potassium to fuel your cells and your body - you need to be having 10 cups of green vegetables per day. Which is near impossible and why I always recommend a green powder supplement (like the one from Nuzest) to my clients.

Meditation, deep breathing, chanting, EFT (Emotional Freedom Technique) and walking in nature all help anxiety immensely.

See a counsellor or trained therapist, trauma work, inner child healing & energy healing are all very helpful.

Medication from the Dr is always an option - just make sure you are clear and OK with the potential side effects.

for more information on how upregulating the Endocannabinoid System can help to stabilise your mood, sleep, improve your energy levels and lower anxiety, and the many more health benefits.

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